The History of Life: BLOCK 18

The Conclusion of the Whole Matter: The History of Life

Is it Science OR Philosophy or Science AND Philosophy?

So here we are; closing out the first semester of official study of the science we call biology... the study of organisms and the critical processes required for existance and survival.

Unlike other sciences, the theories of biology imposes themselves into the very essence of being alive.

  • Where did we come from?
  • How did we get here?
  • Why are we here?
  • What's coming next?

Some people argue you can't intersect science and philosopy... the real question is... how can you NOT?
Disclaimer: You need to understand something. This section is not a typical "dumbed down" lesson designed to feed you a pre-determined system of scientific belief. This module will assume you are way more adult than kid... because you are. It isn't easy, but it's not impossible. Furthermore, this section addresses a major division existing between scientists, summed up briefly in the difference between random chance changes of evolutionary concepts versus the structured focus of intelligent design.
Depending on your chosen worldview some of these videos may make you uneasy. Just remember, the pursuit of truth should not be diluted by firmly holding to your preconceived ideas. Allow your intelligent mind to have the wisdom to let logic prevail.

Finally, this part of the study is so important your assignment is really simple.


The History of Life

The Fossil Record

Earth's Early History

Evolution of Multicellular Life

A Pattern of Evolution

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